Scanning and converting of your data
The only medium that has no change in technology and a life expectancy of over 500 years, is the microfilm.
If you want to keep your data truly secure, we convert this to 16/35 mm roll film or microfiche in negative or positive. Your digital data - TIFF, JPG or PDF - will be written to microfilm or microfiche with our high-end converting systems. Send us your data or we download the documents from your server with our high speed data network.
We are scanning your documents with our high-quality book- and rotary scanners up to DIN A0 All kind of documents can be processed: • Files, drawings, newspapers, dissertations
• Delivery notes, invoices, payrolls
• Technical instructions, bank records, business documents
• Lists, personnel records, building records, medical records ...
In terms of long term storage please contact us. We gladly help you with our experiences of many years.