Hotline and Support



The support of the Staude Imaging GmbH products is done directly by our experienced technicians. Phone support hours are from Monday to Thursday from 9:00 to 16:30 o'clock and Friday from 9:00 to 12:00 o'clock. If required, an emergency service is available outside these hours.     

Contact Service Internal:

Mr. Michael Kirchner
Tel: +49 6036 908-33
Mail: m.kirchner(at)

Contact Service External:

Mr. Thomas Ritter
Tel: +49 170 7315 795
Mail: t.ritter(at)


Staude Imaging GmbH

Soedeler Weg 2
D-61200 Woelfersheim

Tel: +49 6036 908-20
email: info(at)

